Saturday, July 11, 2009

spotlight on Cleveland

The rumors are true, today's spotlight city is none other than Cleveland, Ohio.
However, contrary to popular belief, I am not actually in Cleveland at the present time.
So then why Cleveland? Let me explain:

Having recently come into possession of a 2009 Cleveland calendar, I thought today was as good a day as any to hang my 99 cent calendar above my desk.  I opened it to July and lo and behold, a bright shiny picture of the Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum.  So maybe Billy is missing an S at the end of his name, small potatoes, we're totally related!  (...maybe)  

But why did I hang a 2009 calendar in July?
The calendar was a gag gift from one of my uncles to my dad for my dad's birthday which was in May.  My dad was both puzzled and unamused by the gift so after trying to pass it off to a cousin or two, the calendar fell into my possession and, as an enthusiast of the esoteric, I kept it.  Then it sat around for about a month at which point I rediscovered it and, as calendars are always handy, I hung it up.  This morning.

Coincidence #1 - I opened a random calendar at a random time to find the steamship of a man who will surely prove to be my long lost uncle.

Calendar in place, I went about my business.  A few hours later I got a call from a friend who just so happened to be en route to Cleveland himself. (Coincidence #2)  He is neither a resident, nor, at the time that we spoke, a fan of Ohio (pro - it's hillier than Indiana or Illinois, con - there are not enough rest stops on the highway; Ohio lost this round), but was on his way to see a friend.  We decided that should I fail at life, the next logical course of action would be to fly to Cleveland, paint an S on the Steamship William G. Mather Maritime Museum and claim ownership.  
Cleveland will be none the wiser.  

I've named this particular friend as my traveling correspondent and he's promised me an exposé on Cleveland, but in the meantime, I leave you with these:

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