Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Où est la poste?

I think it's most appropriate to start with the most important information:

Today I bought a baguette.

This was the first time I've purchased a baguette for myself, usually I hold out for Monday nights because my host mom always comes through.

And now onto other things.

I got a slip from la poste the other day informing me that someone from the post office had tried to deliver a package, but I wasn't home. It took me a few days to figure out where/when/if could pick up the package. And the short version of this long adventure:
Monday - I had an hour between Philosophy and Art History, so I tried to walk to the post office, however I had only vaguely memorized the directions and couldn't find it in time. I spent the whole hour walking, a pain because I've been fighting a cold for a while now and I didn't really have the energy to spare. However, I did discover the Géant Casino, a really really big supermarket that my host mom had recommended so the walk wasn't all in vain.
Tuesday - I got directions from my host mom, twice. She directed me to a different post office because it was closer and would therefore surely have my package. I then took my two and a half hour break between classes to find this post office. One hour and three french women later, I was no closer to having the package. I did, however, learn my way around my neighborhood much better. Unfortunately, two of the French women gave my very non-specific directions (which I didn't realize were non-specific at the time, mind you, because of the language barrier), while the third was convinced there was no post office nearby. Alas, tired and dejected, I walked home and consoled myself with a ham and cheese crêpe and two cookies from Monday night dinner with my host parents. Luckily my host mom was home, so I got directions yet again and set out once more for the stupid post office. A half hour later there it was, in all it's glory, la poste! The problem was that everyone had told me that the post office was very close to the train station, they had, however, failed to mention that they were in adjoining buildings, a small detail to a local, a large detail for me. Oh well. I had arrived.
Or rather, I had almost arrived. It was the wrong post office...
All in all, I walked for over two hours and returned to school tired and sans package. Oy.
I set out YET AGAIN after class and finally made it to the correct post office and got my package. RELIEF.

Lacking in the food deparment, I decided to console myself with a trip to Géant Casino (I had been to Petit Casino the day before, it was a bust; when they say petit, they mean petit). And oh what consolation it was! Oh the prices! Oh the selection! It seems I had died and gone to supermarket heaven. I don't think a really really big market with well priced food has ever meant so much to me in my entire life. I bought apples, I bought oranges, I bought several packages of yogurt and even some instant coffee! And the best part was? The cheese aisle. Brand after brand of dozens of cheeses I had never heard of and I didn't know what to choose, I was overwhelmed. And then Casino came to my rescue once again; they sold small, individual portions of cheese with the option to buy 6 different types for 1.50€! Mmm...
Needless to say, they are sitting in my fridge eaglerly awaiting my return. And thus the need for that most important piece of information, today I bought a baguette.

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